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After a few rings, the greeting you pre-record on your FêteFone will welcome your guests and provide them with any instructions they might need. If you’re struggling for something to say, we’ve put together some suggested greetings below, but feel free to record whatever feels right!

  1. Thank you so much for joining us tonight for occasion. Please take a moment to leave us a message after the tone so that we can always remember this special day and the company you have shared with us!
  2. It’s me, bride/groom, and me, bride/groom!
    It means the world to us to have you here tonight.
    Thank you for being our support. Our encouragement. Our partners in crime. For loving us through the ups and downs in life. For being our mentors, teachers and guides. You have helped to make us who we are, and for that we are forever grateful.
    After the tone, leave us your words of wisdom, a joke, your well-wishes, your love, or anything you’d like. Then get back to the celebration; enjoy tonight and let it be but a small gift for all you have done.
  3. Hi! It’s bride/groom and bride/groom and we just wanted to say that we’re both thrilled to have you here at our wedding!
    After the tone, please leave us a message to help us mark tonight’s celebration. Many years from now, your message will help us remember how being surrounded by our families and friends was the perfect beginning to our lives together as husband and wife!

Have another greeting you like? Share it with us!